Wednesday, July 13, 2005

N.T. Wright wins the Ramsey Prize

The Pontificator - one of my blogging heroes - notes that N.T. Wright has won the Michael Ramsey prize for theological writing for The Resurrection of the Son of God. Let it not be said that prizes go only to the undeserving! Wright's book is truly magisterial.

What it is not is light reading. I have a Ph.D. in Classics, read the Bible in Latin and Greek just about every day, and taught many of the classical and Biblical texts that Wright examines in his book - and yet I found it challenging, not because it's poorly written - it's not, Wright's prose is lucidity itself - but simply because he covers an astonishing amount of ground. An excellent, less demanding alternative to The Resurrection of the Son of God is Wright's little book Who Was Jesus? (Eerdmans, 1992).

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